Monday, December 19, 2005

Christmas Party Redux

Dear Rachel,

Lesley and I went to another Christmas party this past weekend. Unlike the first party, this one turned out OK. Not too sure why we got through this one so much more easily than the last. Maybe because it was only six very close friends, all of whom have been there the entire time for us. They’ve made an effort to be available and to be supportive, even though I can tell that it makes a couple of them a little uncomfortable to talk about your death. In fact, they’re pretty much like family, and—just as our real family has been—they’ve been there for us when we needed them.

I wonder if one of the reasons that parties make me uncomfortable these days is the fact that the last time I saw you was at a party—your graduation party. I can’t believe I went from proud father to grieving wreck in three weeks.

Then again, I’ve never really liked parties, so maybe that has nothing to do with it.




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